Stop Talking, Start Listening!

I was reminded recently of the power of listening and asking good questions.

If we start off our meetings talking, we put ourselves at a huge disadvantage and come off to our customers as self-centered and self-focused.

Instead, let your customer know you’re fully prepared for your conversation, but turn it over to them first to take it where they want the conversation to go. Have a pen and paper and jot notes down as they talk.

Customers oftentimes want to vent about whatever… pricing, frustrations in the business etc. – Listen, Listen LISTEN and ask genuine questions around your customers pain, troubles and frustrations. Think about how your products and services might alleviate their pain but give it time before you offer up or share a solution.

Listening well is the first step in relationship building.

This might seem like a simple action, but it makes a HUGE difference.

Remember: Your customers are always consciously or subconsciously asking these questions about you:
• Do I like you?
• Do you listen to me?
• Do I trust and believe you?
• Can this person really help me?

This week, try these three things:

LISTEN more than you talk:
Ask intentional questions that matter to your customers.

ENGAGE – Have good body language.
Don’t cross your arms, instead smile warmly at your customers. Actively show you are engaged.

Show you care and be consultative in your sales approach.

Ditch the self-focused approach.

Remember: It’s hard to be nervous when your mind is on service!


// S T A Y R E L E N T L E S S //


Please share/repost your networks or individuals who this might help in their sales journey!

One response to “Stop Talking, Start Listening!”

  1. Jim Avatar

    Great one Jon!

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